Howard Sherman is on Facebook – NOT!
The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. – Mark Twain

Old friends and enemies (current ones too?) might construe my maintaining a personal website as the height of hubris. That’s understandable. Younger me was quite arrogant and egotistical and easily externalized it. Younger me did indeed maintain a personal website in the 90s. No blog though. Just some personal “all about me” stuff. Then social media happened. The Globe, MySpace, etc. made it unnecessary for geeks like me to bother with website updates anymore; we just posted online just like the unwashed masses. What a time saver!
Then I landed in Facebook and Instagram jail back in October 2024 for reasons unknown after 12 or so years of good behavior. Inexplicably, my access to Instagram was restored within a couple of weeks. Everything was fine everywhere else but something was missing; long-form expression. Hence this website.
Over the years I loaded Facebook with my thoughts and feelings documenting every high and low… triumph and tragedy…life and death…
I was often prolific and sometimes profound.
All of that very possibly gone forever. Fool me once, shame on me.. I won’t be fooled twice.
With Zuckerberg (and the other techno oligarchs) kissing Trump’s ring and Zuck’s related “kinder, gentler” Facebook I – just like President Trump – might be allowed back on Facebook.
And – just like Trump – I might choose not to return.
I’ll be republishing old history here but I won’t revise it. There’s a special place in hell for revisionists.
All due credit to Josh Levine of for the idea of running this site. Josh is an old acquaintance from the Excelsior days who never bought in to social media and always marched to the beat of a different drummer.
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